Kumar Rajib Gurung

Kumar Rajib Gurung
Associate Professor, Department of EnglishPersonal Profile
1. | Name | Kumar Rajib Gurung |
2. | Designation | Associate Professor |
3. | Department | English |
4. | Gender | Male |
5. | DOB | 01/03/1969 |
8. | Contact No. & email | 9435023054 & krajibg@gmail.com |
9. | Residential Address | Sarupeta, Barpeta, Assam, 781318 |
10. | Area of Specialization | Linguistics |
Academic Profile-
Educational qualification (degree onwards) : M.A, B.Ed, Praveen (Hindi)
Degree | Subject | Institution | Year of passing | Grade/Percentage |
M.A. | English | Pune University | 1992 | 55.5% |
B.A. | English | Gauhati University | 1990 | 53% |
H.S. | Cotton College | 1987 | 63% | |
H.S.L.C. | CTPS | 1985 | 69% |
Teaching experience :
Designation | Institution | Period of Work | Experience in years |
Associate Professor | Bijni College | 1992 to 2024 | 32 years 2 months |
Webinars :
- Awareness Programme On Online E-Resources, Organised by IQAC, Bijni College, Bijni In association with Assam College Librarians’ Association (ICT Cell) 20th May, 2020
- Online COVID-19 Awareness Quiz 2020, Organised by Swayam In collaboration with IQAC, B.H.B. College, Sarupeta, Assam, 27/06/2020
- National Webinar on the topic Covid-19 and Present Education System organised by Department of Assamese, Bijni College in collaboration with IQAC, Bijni College, 11/08/2020
- National Webinar on Abhidhan Tatwa organised by Pragjyotish College, department of Assamese, 26/08/2020
- International Webinar on “Literature in English: Other voices” organised by the Department of English in collaboration with IQAC, Bijni College held on 3rd & 4th July, 2021
Workshops :
- Trainer’s Training Programme under Universitie Talk Aids held at Nalbari College from 12th June 1995 to 14th June 1995
- UGC Sponsored National Workshop in collaboration with ABILAC on problems of terminology in English and Assamese literary criticism and general linguistics on 10th, 11th and 13th November, 2009
- Workshop on “Academic Performance Indicator and its Parameters” organised by ACTA Zone-13 on 3rd June, 2011 in Bijni College, Bijni, Assam
- One Day Brainstorming Workshop on “Perception on Educational Needs on NE India towards Creation of Knowledge Based Society and Sustainable Livelihood” Organised by the University of Science & Technology, Promoted by : ERD Foundation-Guwahati on 17th December, 2011
- National Workshop on Translation From Assamese short story to Bengali Language, organised by Department of Bengali, Cotton College, Guwahati, Assam & Byatikram Sanskrit Mancha, Guwahati, Assam supported by Asom Sahitya Sabha, Cultural Affairs, Govt. Of Assam, Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Tripura on 20-22nd February, 2012
- Workshop cum Awareness Programme on “Sensitisation on Biodiversity & Climate Change” organised by Bijni College, Bijni, Chirang District, Catalysed & Supported by Assam Science Technology & Environment Council on 24th March, 2015 at Bijni College, Auditorium
- UGC Sponsored National Level Workshop on Indian Cork Industry and Assamese Puppet Dance organised by Department of Assamese in collaboration with Economics Department, Bijni College, Bijni, Dist: Chirang (BTAD), Assam on June 25, 2015 at the premises of Bijni college, Bijni
- Practical & Intellectual training of Yog & Pranayam in Yog Training Camp held w.e.f. 18/09/2016 to 16/10/2016 organised by Patanjali Yogpeeth (TRUST), Haridwar
Conferences :
- Second International Conference on The Ramayana : Our Life and Culture held at Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra, Guwahati, Assam, India on 4th, 5th and 6th November, 2005 organised by Asom Kalatirtha, Guwahati in collaboration with Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra Society, Guwahati and presented a paper titled “Influence of the ‘Ramayana’ in the traditional Assamese marriage song.
- Annual Conference on ACTA held on 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th November, 2015 at Barnagar College, Sorbhog in association with Barpeta Zone, ACTA
- All India Federation of University And College Teachers’ Organisations, XXX Academic Conference And National Seminar, Theme: Some Inputs for Draft National Education Policy 2016 as in MHRD Website-Critical Appraisal, Comments and Suggestions organised by Assam College Teachers’ Association, Guwahati, Assam:: India on 7th, 8th and 9th December, 2016
Seminars :
- State Level Seminar on ‘Syllabus, Text Books & Evaluation’, Sponsored by: A.C.T.A. Organised by: P.B. College, Gauripur on 12th September, 2004
- ACTA 52nd Annual Conference on Vocalisation of Higher Education 2004 held at K.B.R. Auditorium, Guwahati 781001 on 29th, 30th and 31st October, 2004
- Dr. P.G. Pandey Memorial Lecture Cum National Seminar On Indian Literature, Culture and National Integration, organised by: Bhasha Sangam, Allahabad Deptt. Of Modern Indian Language, Gauhati University And Uttar-Pub Bharat Bhasha-Sahitya Adhyayan Parishad (UPBBSAP) 2nd and 3rd July, 2005
- National Seminar on Profiling Social Change through Literature in Translation, Department of English North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus: Meghalaya, presented a paper titled “Problems and prospects of translation and its trends in Assamese literature” on 1st & 2nd November 2006
- 4th Annual Conference of Tribal Literary Forum of India National Seminar on ‘North East India As Diverse Tribal Language Belt’ organised by Gauhati University Institute Of North East Studies, Gauhati University: Assam, presented a paper on “Mising Culture: A Bird’s Eye View” on 2nd to 4th February, 2011
- National Seminar on Dr. Bhupen Hazarika: His Contribution To The Nation organised by Gauhati University Institute of Northeast India Studies, Gauhati University, Assam, presented a paper on “Nibanua Samasya: Asom aru Dr Bhupen Hazarikar Auto Riksha Chalao” from 24th May to 26th May 2012
- U.G.C. Sponsored National Seminar on Corruption and its impact on IndianSociety organised by B.H.B. College, Sarupeta, Dist.- Barpeta (Assam), presented a paper on “Corruption in India: A bird’s eye view” on 3rd & 4th August 2012
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Life and Music of Ganasilpi Bhupen Hazarika held in Bijni College, Bijni, Chiranjit (BTAD), Assam, presented a paper on “Assamese Culture/ Ritual/Music and songs in Bhupen Hazarika Directed Hindi movies” on 28th & 29th June 2013
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on The Life And Works Of Lakshminath Bezbaroa organised by : Bijni College, Bijni on 26th & 27th June 2015
- Resource person of UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Assamese Short Stories In Ramdhenu Period” organised by Department of Assamese, B.H.B. College on 27th and 28th June 2016
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Assamese Short Stories In Ramdhenu Period” organised by Department of Assamese, B.H.B. College, presented a paper on “A Psychological Analysis of Devi’s Short Story ‘Susana’” 27th and 28th June 2016
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Skill Development and Employment Generation in the North East held on 29th and 30th September, 2016
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Problems & Prospects of Teacher Education in 21st century with special reference to North East Region in India organised by- Department of Education, B.H.B. College, Sarupeta, presented a paper on “Problems & Prospects of Teacher Education in 21st century with special reference to North East Region in India” on 21st & 22nd October, 2016
- National Seminar approved & sponsored by UGC on “Population: Socio-Economic Issues and Challenges” organised by Department of Economics, B.H.B. College, Sarupeta, presented a paper on “Population and Environment” on 9th February 2017
Books/Journals :
- MIRAGE, A Collection of English Poems, Publisher: Techno Ed Publication, Guwahati, First Edition: 2017, ISBN: 978-93-87275-16-4
- Member of Review Board, ACTA Journal Volume: XXXVII, 2016, ISSN: 2229-693X, Editors: Sanjib Kumar Goswami and Jitendra Nath Deka
Orientation/Refresher course attended :
- Academic Staff College, Gauhati University , Orientation Course from 10th February to 9th March 1997 under the sponsorship of UGC
- Academic Staff College, Gauhati University , Orientation Course from 20th January to 9th February 2003 under the sponsorship of UGC
- Ramkrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad, Narendrapur, Kolkata, West Bengal, 118th Orientation Programme from 06/09/2007 to 15/09/2007
- UGC Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Subject Refresher Course from 14th October 2010 to 3rd November 2010
- UGC Academic Staff College, Ranchi University Ranchi, Refresher Course in “English” from 23/11/2010 to 13/12/2010
Publications :
Papers/articles in seminar proceedings
Sl. No. | Name of the seminar Proceedings | Name of article/paper | Publisher | Place of publication | Year of publication | Pages |
1 | Assamese Women: Status and Role in Social Transformation | The First Assamese Women Poet and Lyricist- AAI Padmapriya | Assam College Teachers’ Association, Women’s Cell | Nalbari, ISBN: 978-81-931994-8-0 | 2018 | 111-114 |
2 | Chutigalpa Samiksha | Khuri Aaita : Premchand | Ken Publication and B.H.B. College, Sarupeta | Barpeta Road, ISBN: 978-81-948217-0-0 | 2022 | 292-298 |
3 | Perspectives | Corruption in India: A Bird’s Eye View | B.H.B. College | Sarupeta, ISBN: 978-1-63102-689-8 | 2013 | 189-194 |
Experiences in delivering invited talks/practical sessions outside the college
Invited lectures/practical sessions
Sl. No. | Topic on which the lecture was delivered | Place or name of institution in which it was delivered | Beneficiaries | Date of lecture | Duration of lecture |
1 | Linguistics | B.H.B. College, Sarupeta | 10th August | 1.5 hours |