Associate Professor, Department of EnglishPersonal Profile
2. | Designation | Associate Professor |
3. | Department | English |
4. | Date of Entry in the service | 11-11-1986 |
5. | Qualification | M.A. , M. Phil |
6. | Areas of Interest | American & Indian Literature |
7. | Specialization | American Literature |
- College won the Inter College Football Championship of Gauhati University in 1987 under the guidance. (In-charge, Out-door Games & Sports)
- College successfully had undergone NAAC assessment and Accreditation in 2003-04 under the leadership.( IQAC Co-ordinator)
Number of Career Advance Courses completed
- Orientation Programme
- From 19-11-1991-to-13-12-1991 at ASC, Utkal University, Odisha
- From 20-09-2004-to-25-09-2004 at ASC, Gauhati University on Environmental Studies
- Refresher Course
- From 11-01-1994-to-29-01-1995 at Rajasthan University on Critical Theory
- From 01-12-98-to-21-12-1998 at Gauhati University in English
- From 21-12-2001-to-10-01-2002 at Arunachal University in English
- From 27-02-2002-to-19-03-2002 at Gauhati University in English
Research Projects carried out & guidance
- Projects– Nil
- Guidance– Guided one M.Phil student for Periyar University in 2008 and was the examiner of another student in 2008.
Corporate Responsibilities
- Past – Exam. In-charge, Result In-charge, Returning Officer in Students Union Elections, In-charge in various Student Union activities like Literary and Sports (College emerged G.U. Football Champion in 1987, At Dudhnoi under the guidance), G.B. Member (2004-05 & 2012-13), Secretary, Bijni College Teachers’ Unit, Vice-President, ACTA Zone-02, President, ACTA College Unit-2019, A. C. Member, G.U. From 2018- 21, Member of Editorial Boards, Head Examiner and Supervisor of Different Examinations. Practical External Examiner of B. Voc. Co-ordinator, NAAC Assessment Committee of the College during 2003-04 (1st assessment), In-charge of Students Admission (T.D.C.) Counsellor for IDOL, Examiner in D. El. Ed Teaching Practices, in Bijni College, Resource Person for NABARD, SSB, LIC etc. Nodal Teacher of Environmental Studies from 2003-04 to 2012-13, In-charge for College Level Safety Team for Disaster Management in 2019.
- Present
- Convenor of Academic Cell, Bijni College,
- Convenor & Member in various Cells in the College,
- Resource person for Extension Activities Cell.
- Resource Person for various in-house training programmes for Students.
- In-charge, Academic Cell for NGO NEEF, Bongaigaon since 2005.
- Question Setter & moderator & Head Examiner for Bodoland University and Head Examiner for Gauhati University (Degree).
- Nominated to UG Board of Studies at Bodoland University since August, 2021.
- Vice-President ACTA ZONE-2, 2021-22
- Resource Person for Mentoring Programmes of Schools under NEP.
- Vice – Principal, Bijni College since April, 2022.
- P.G. Teaching Experience– Experience of teaching P.G. in P.G. Correspondence School G.U., IDOL, KKHSOU and IGNOU in Birjhora Mahavidyalaya, Bijni College and Bongaigaon College at different times since 2003. P.G. Classes at Bijni College since 2020 January in regular mode.
Life Member of Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda and American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad
Research Papers – NIL
Joint Research Papers – NIL
Date | Name of Book/Journal | Page No. | Name of Article |
1994 | Souvenir, Bijni College, Silver Jubilee | p-77 | Indigenous Theories in Post-Colonial Indian Literature |
2001 | Bijni College Annual Magazin | p-08 | My Dear School |
2003 | Collected Essays By Publication Cell, Bijni College | p-69 | The Search for a Woman to Love: A Case Study in Three American Jewish Novelists |
2004 | Journal of Literary Review vol-1 | p-74 | Theory of Rasa: A Critical Review |
2007 | Uttarayan, Golden Jubilee Souvenir, Bongaigaon | p-09 | Puja Panorama |
2008-09 | Bijni College Annual Magazine | P-01 | Public Education: Its Challenges and Prospects |
2009 | Swarnali, Golden Jubilee Souvenir | p-68 | Autumn Reflections: Indian Women in Transition |
2009-10 | Bijni College Annul Magazine | p-01 | The Rat Story |
2010 | Murali, Souvenir | p-63 | Krishna: The Transcendental Hero |
2010-11 | Bijni College Annual Magazine | p-08 | Foreignative India |
2013 | Mrinmoyee, Souvenir | p-30 | Poverty- An Indian Phenomenon |
2013 | Pragnya, by Publication Cell, Bijni College, ISBN-978-81-922997-3-0 | p-19 | Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown: A Review of the Evil |
2014 | Ayna, Souvenir | p-03 | …And Education |
2014 | YUYUTSU, Bongaigaon College | p-24 | Boxing to Glory and Agony |
2015 | SWARNAVA, Bongaigaon College | P-145 | The Indian Miracle |
2015 | Commemorative Volume, Bijni College ISBN-978-81-922997-7-8 | P-55 | Flat Field, Round Ball and The Artist |
2015 | BHUPEN JYOTI, 4th Issue ISBN-978-81-930541-1-6 | P-352 | Bhupen Da & Khoka Bhai: Artists from Soil to Soul |
2015 | TRIBENI, ACTA ZONE-02 | P-39 | Blame it on Them |
2015 | RUMBLE, A Souvenir of All India Senior Women Boxing Championship | P-30 | From Laila to Ali |
2015 | SOUVENIR, Bijni Dwarni Rounia | P-22 | Aspirations in 21st Century |
2016 | INDIAN CORK INDUSTRY AND ASSAMESE PUPPET DANCE, A National Workshop Compendium ISBN:978-93-80382-20-3 | P-28-33 | Folk Theatre in India: An Experiment in Diversity |
2017 | MICRO FINANCE & ITS ROLE IN WOMEN EMPOWERMENT ISBN-978-93-86302-44-1 | P-159-162 | Women Empowerment through skill Development and Micro Credit in NEEF: A Case Study |
2018 | GENDER PERSPECTIVES: FROM GLOBAL LENS ISBN-978-81-938077-4-3 | P-93-100 | Women Empowerment in Bongaigaon District of Assam: An Innovative model by NEEF |
2018 | THOUGHTS ON SOCIETY CULTURE & EDUCATION ISBN-978-93-87275-17-1 | P-1-112 | BOOK |
2018 | SHINJAN- Multi Disciplinary, Bi-Annual, Multi-Lingual and Peer-Reviewed Journal ISSN-2454-3322 Journal No.-42333 | P-590-597 | Exploring the Gender Dynamics in Bijon Bhattacharyya’s NABANNA |
2019 | JETIR – Multidisciplinary International Open Access Journal, Peer-reviewed, Refered Journal, ISSN: 2349-5162 Journal No.- 63975 (5.87I.F.) Vol-6, Issue-6 | P-445-451 | Darkness to Twilight in Sashi Despande’s Dark Holds no Terror : Study of Patriarchies |
2019 | Bernard Malamud’s ARCHETYPAL MOTHERS : A Study of His Early Novels | P-1-106 | BOOK |
2022 | Literature in English: Other Voices | Editor of Proceedings of International Webinar held on 3rd &4th July,2021 |
Research Article:
Joint Article: 02
Text Books – NIL
YouTube Channel- Saroj Kumar Pasayat
YouTube Channel- Saroj Kumar Pasayat
Attendance in Conference/Seminar/Workshop etc.
- Seminar
- UGC sponsored seminar on Peace Education at Bongaigaon College on 24-03-2002 (Paper Presented)
- Seminar on English Education in Assam-Challenges & Prospects in the 3rd Millenium at Goalpara College on 02-08-2004(Paper Presented)
- National Seminar on Culture, Globalisation and Gender at G.U. Kokrajhar Campus on 29th &30th January 2005(Paper Presented)
- UGC sponsored seminar on Cultural Globalism & Ethnic Identity at P.G.Department of English, Bongaigaon College on 29th Jan,2006 (Paper Presented)
- UGC sponsored national seminar on Post-Modernism in The Indian Context at Bijni College on 27th & 28th September,2007 (Paper Presented)
- UGC sponsored national seminar on Life and Music of Ganasilpi Bhupen Hazarika at Bijni College, on 28th & 29th June, 2013 (Paper presented)
- UGC sponsored national seminar on Life and Works of Laxminath Bezbaroa on 26th & 27th June, 2015(Attended)
- Zonal Seminar on Gender Diversity at Bongaigaon College, on 6th October, 2015(Attended)
- UGC sponsored National Seminar on The Role of Higher Education Institution in Skill Development and Employment Generation in the North East held on 29th & 30th September,2016 at Bijni College. (Attended)
- UGC sponsored National Seminar on Micro Finance & its Effectiveness in Women Empowerment on January,2017 at Bongaigaon College as the Resource Person.
- Work-shops
- Workshop on Khadi and Village Industries, by KVIC at Bijni College, held on 29th December
- Work-shop on Methodology for Development of Curriculum & Lectureplan held on 11th October 2010 at Birjhora Mahavidyalaya.
- National Level Workshop on Research Methodology held on 5th January, 2011 at Bijni College.
- Work-shop on Teacher Education under D.El.Ed. programme under K.K.H.S.O.U. at Bijni College Study Centre as Resource Person held From 17th to 26th December, 2012.
- Workshop cum Awareness Programme on Sensitisation on Biodiversity & Climate Change on 24th March 2015.
- UGC sponsored National Level Workshop on Indian Cork Industry and Assamese Puppet Dance on 25th June,2015
- National Workshop on Assembly & Hands-on Training of Foldscope sponsored by The Department of Biotechnology, Government of India on 14th September,2018 at Bijni College, Bijni (Attended)
- One Day National Workshop on “Making Writing Effective : Critical Analysis of Writer’s Voice” organised by English Department, Goalpara College, Goalpara, Assam on 27th July,2020 by Web Portal
- Conferences
- UGC sponsored National Level Conference on International Terrorism The Menace, with reference to India’s Problems held on 22nd &23rd January 2011 at Nayagarh Autonomous College, Odisha. (Paper Presented)
- International Conference on Women & Society held on 7th July,2019 at Nurul Hasan College Farakka, West Bengal (Paper Presented)
- Three Day International Web- Conference on The Agonies of Nationhood: Cultural reflection from The Indian Subcontinent from 31st July to 2nd August, 2020 organised by The Department of English, School of Humanities of Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata in collaboration with Centre for Language, Translation and Cultural Studies, Kolkata
- International Web Conference on Contemporary “Cinema at international Film Festivals” from 7th -11th December, 2021 conducted jointly by IIT, Madras and Centre for Performance Research and Cultural Studies in South Asia.
- Two Day International Web-Conference on Rethinking about Women’s Empowerment in Society & Literature on 28th and 29th January,2022 organised by Dept.of Bengali, Sindri College, Sindri in collaboration with Dept. of Bengali, Bijni College, Bijni asChairperson of Technical Sessions.
- F.D.P
- Faculty Development Programme with Electronics & ICT Academy Supported by Indian Institute of Guwahati and MeitY, Govt. of India from 6th to 13th July,2020
- Faculty Development Programme on NEP-2020, New Trends in Higher Education, New Trends in Higher Education from Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi held from 29th August to 4th September, 2022.
- Webinars
- National Webinar on Modernism in Indian English Literature Organised by Kamrup College, Assam in association with Gogate Walke College, Mumbai and ACLA on 28-03-2020 and presented a paper Re-reading the relationship and happiness in ‘A Bowstring Winter’.
- Webinar on Awareness Programme on Online E-Resources organised by IQAC, Bijni College, Bijni in collaboration with Assam College Librarians’ Association(ICT CELL) on 20th May, 2020.
- Two Day International Webinar on The Post-Colonial Perspective organised by Kamaraj College, Tamilnadu, on 6th& 7th July, 2020.
- International Webinar titled Girl Interrupted: Trauma and Emancipation of Women held on 13th July,2020 by Prasanta Chandra Mohalanobis Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata.
- International Webinar on Embracing Wordsworth: A Quarter-Millenial Commemoration on 1st August,2020 organised by Kamaraj College, Tamilnadu.
- International Webinar on “Terror, Disease and Madness in His Father’s Disease” by Kokrajhar Government College, Kokrajhar on 10th August,2020
- International Webinar on Geospatial Technologies and Emerging Opportunities organised by Department of Physics in collaboration with IQAC Bijni College, Bijni on 13th August,2020.
- International Webinar on “Beyond Gender” organised by Department of English in collaboration with IQAC, Janata College, Serfanguri on 20th August,2020.
- International Webinar on “Literature in English: Other Voices organised by Department of English in collaboration with IQAC, Bijni College on 3rd and 4th July,2021. Both presented a paper “Shifting Consciousness in the poetry of Desmond Kharmawphlang” and also chaired the 4th Technical Session.
- InternationalWebinar on “Research Methodology” organised by Research Cell, Bijni College in collaboration with IQAC Bijni College, held on 27th & 28th November,2021.
- 34th C A Sheppard Memorial Lecture,2021 on the Topic “Reflections on Language and Thought” delivered by Prof. Noam Chomsky conducted on 6th December,2021 by Dept. of English, St. Berchmans College, Kerala.
- Service Rendered
- Part Time Counsellor for P.G. Studies under IDOL
- Resource Person & Examiner for D.L.Ed. under KKSHOU, Bijni College Campus from 2013 -14 to 2016-17.
- M.Phil. guide and evaluator under Periyar University in 2008
- Trained under IIE for Identification ,Formulation & Appraisal of Project Reports for unemployed urban youth in 2009.
- Co-ordinator of Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) survey in Bongaigaon & Chirang in 2010-2012 & 2012-13
- District Co-ordinator, Bogaigaon for Free Career Coaching under Employment & Handicraft Dept. Assam in 2013.
- Active President, National Children’s Science Congress (NCSC),Chirang in 2011.
- Associated with North East Educational Forum, (NEEF) (NGO) as Academic In-charge since 2005
- Resource person for NYK, NABARD, SSB, LICI etc. from NEEF.
- Member, Pain & Palliative Society, Bongaigaon.
- Participating in Government Election and Census Activities in different capacities as Presiding Officer, Assembly Level Training Officer, Counter and Counting Supervisor etc.
- Vice President, ACTA ZONE-02, 2014-15
- Participated in NRC exercise as the Executive Enquiry Officer in 2018
- Participated in Gunotsav Round-II in 2018, 2019, 2022 as the External Evaluator.
- Member of DPC and Appointment Interviews as subject expert.
- Elected to the Academic Council of Gauhati University as a Teacher Representative for 2018-2021 period.
- Nominated to UG Board of Studies at Bodoland University as a Teacher Representative from 20-08-2021.
- Vice President, ACTA ZONE-02, 2021-22
- Appointed as Convenor, Academic Cell, Website Development Cell, Prospectus Preparation Cell, Bijni Collge in 2021
- Member Anti- Sexual Harassment Cell, Bijni College, 2021.
- Headed English Department from October2012- October 2017 and from Febryary,2023 till now
- Vice- Principal, since April,2022.