College Auditorium
College has an auditorium named after the founder Vice-Principal Late Birendra Giri Basumatary, that caters to various administrative, academic and cultural functions.
College has an auditorium named after the founder Vice-Principal Late Birendra Giri Basumatary, that caters to various administrative, academic and cultural functions.
To protect the female students, staff and teachers of the college there exists an Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell which functions to resolve any issue arising out of a complaint of sexual harassment.
Considering the value of students’ feedback on the performance of the teachers for their constant improvement students’ feedback cell collects from the students and analyse the same to provide the teachers an idea regarding their area of deficiency and to work upon their improvement.
Our college, being one of the best colleges it is facilitated with Bi-cycle, Motor Cycle & Car parking space. The parking space is a major part of this facility which provides convenience to the students in terms of their storage and maintenance. It can be used by college going students and staff members only.
The College has a well-equipped canteen. The food quality, hygiene and maintenance of reasonable price etc. are regularly monitored by the Canteen Management Committee.
To bring awareness about Environmental Degradation and Climate Change in collaboration with ASTEC. It undertakes different programmes to make the students as ambassadors of global concern for the broader society.
To bring awareness about hygienic practices and cleanliness among all the stake holders and particularly the students within the campus. It also takes care of scientific disposal of waste materials and recycling of natural and other resources.