Notice regarding offline rechecking of U.G 2nd Sem (Batch 2020 & 2021) and U.G 4th sem (Batch 2020)

Notice regarding offline rechecking of U.G 2nd Sem (Batch 2020 & 2021) and U.G 4th sem (Batch 2020)
Notice regarding offline rechecking of U.G 2nd Sem (Batch 2020 & 2021) and U.G 4th sem (Batch 2020)
UGC Sponsored National Seminar Topic: “The Life and Works of Laksminath Bezbaruah” Guideline for submission of Seminar Paper: Abstract should be sent before 10th June to the co‐ordinator (Email id: Abstract should be within 250 word limit and the full paper should not exceed 2500 words. Two hard copies (A4 size) of full paper…