Mahanta Talukdar

Dr. Mahanta Talukdar
Assistant Professor & Head of Department of HistoryPersonal Profile
1. | Name | Dr. Mahanta Talukdar |
2. | Designation | Assistant Professor |
3. | Department | History |
4. | Gender | Male |
5. | DOB | 09-01-1974 |
8. | Contact No. & email | 9706542332 & |
9. | Residential Address | Vill- Tapa, P.O- Sarutapa, Ditrict- Barpeta, Assam, PIN- 781352 |
10. | Area of Specialization | Group-C (Modern Period) |
Academic Profile-
Educational qualification (Degree onwards) : MA, PhD
Degree | Subject | Institution | Year of passing | Grade/Percentage |
BA | History(Major) | B.H. College, Howly,Barpeta. | 1994 | 54.6% |
MA | History | Gauhati University | 1998 | 57.75% |
PhD | History of the Regional Rural Banks in Assam | Gauhati University | 2021 |
Teaching experience :
Designation | Institution | Period of Work | Experience in years |
Assistant Professor | Bijni College | From 23 Oct.1998 to till Date. | 21 Years and 02 Months. |
Participation in Seminars/Webinar/FDP/Workshops
Participation in academic conference/Seminars/Webinar/FDP/Workshops :
- Conference
- Participated in the 40th Annual conference North East India History Association (NEIHA) on 24th, 25thand 26th Oct. 2019 held at KarmashreeHiteswarSaikia College, Guwahati and paper presented on “The Growth and Development of Regional Rural Bank in Assam”.
- Seminars
- Participated in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Post-Modernism in Indian Context held in Bijni College on 27th and 28th September 2007.
- Paper presented in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Challenges of India in 21st century held in Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand on 25th and 26th May 2015.
- Participated at a seminar on Current Researches in History held on 4th September, 2015 organised by the Department of History, Gauhati University.
- Presented Paper ‘Environmental Pollution and its Consequences’ at the National Seminar on Climate Change and Environmental Issues orgnised by the District Administration, Kajalgaon, Chirang on the Occasion of G20/ Y20 On 31ST January, 2023.
- Presented Paper “ Decolonized Narratives and Modern Indian History” in Two Day International Seminar on Post Colonial Literature and its Perspectives organized by the Department of English, Bijni College, Bijni in Collaboration with the Department of English , Bodoland University, Kokrajhar on 9th and 10th October, 2023
- Webinar
- Participated in the National Webinar on “An Introduction to Digital Tools For Teaching –Learning- Assessment”Organised by Assam College Teachers’ Association (ACTA) in collaboration with Assam College Librarians’ Association (ACLA) held on 9th June,2020.
- Participated in the webinar on “Role of History in Contemporary Society” organized by Department of History, S.B. Deorah College, Guwahati held on 26th June,2020.
- Participated in National webinar on “Pandemics And Responses- A Historical Analysis” Organized by Department of History, in Association with IQAC, Goalpara College, Goalpara held on 3rd July, 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on “India, China Relations At The Time Of Covid-19” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Dibru College, Dibrugarh on July 11, 2020.
- Paper “Footnotes and References in Research” Presented in International Webinar on Research Methodology held on 27th and 28th November 2021 organised by Reseach Cell, Bijni College, Bijni.
- Paper “Role of Assamese Women in The Freedom Movement of India” Presented in International Webinar “Women in 19th and 20th Century” held on22nd &23rd December, 2021organised by the Department of Bengali, Bijni College, Bijni in collaboration with Department of Bengali, Vidyasagar Metropolitan College, Kolkata.
- Participated in the one- week online Faculty Development Programme on “Mentoring Pedagogy and Teaching Learning for Higher Education” organized by E &ICT Academy IIT Guwahati held from 06 to 13 July, 2020 in association with Bijni College, Bijni, Assam.
- Successfully completed a 2- Week Faculty Development Programme on “Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating Moocs 3.0” from July 25- August 10, 2020 Organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Training.
- Completed One week FDP on Implementation of NEP 2020 for University and College Teachers under PMMMNMTT organized by IGNOU, Guwahati Centre on 12th June to 20th, 2023.
- Workshops
- Participated in the workshop on Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) held in Bijni College on 29th Dec. 2003.
- Participated in the workshop cum Awareness programme on Sansitization o Biodiversity & Climate Change held in Bijni College on 24th March, 2015.
- Participated in the National level workshop on Indian Cork Industry and Assamese Puppet Dance held in Bijni College on 25th June, 2015.
- Participated in One week workshop on NEP2020: Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education organized by Women Cell, ACTA in collaboration with IQAC, Manikpue Anchalik College, Manikpur on 14th to 20th November, 2023
Orientation/Refresher course attended
- OP- 31 in Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand from 5th May to 1st June, 2015.
- RC- Inter/ Multi- Disciplinary Refresher Course on “Teaching Learning and Assessment in Higher Education” held during the period 21st June to 4th July, 2022 in Online Mode Under UGC, HRDC, Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya ( a Central University), Sagar, MP, India.
Papers/articles in seminar proceedings :
Sl. No. | Name of the seminar Proceedings | Name of article/paper | Publisher | Place of publication | Year of publication | Pages |
1. | Melange- A Collection of Research Papers and Articles.ISBN-978-1-944820-48-0. | Strategic Challenges of India in 21st Century. | Publication Cell, IQAC,B.H.B. College, Sarupeta. | Sarupeta, Barpeta, Assam. | August, 2016. | P- 214-220. |
2. | Assam College Teachers’ Association, Journal, Peer Reviewed, Volume: XL 2018.ISSN: 2229-693X. | History of The Regional Rural Banks in Assam | Assam College Teachers Association(ACTA), ACTA House, Solapar, Guwahati-781008, Assam, India. | Solapar, Guwahati-781008. | 2018 | P-236-243. |
3. | Anwesha Vol:II, ISBN-978-81-951163-2-4. | Devadasi Dance and Assam: A Study | Women Awareness Cell, Bijni College, Bijni in Collaboration with The Publication Cell, IQAC,Bijni College, Bijni | Bijni College, Bijni. | 2020 | P-09-17. |
4. | Synergy; A Collection of Research Papers and Articles. ISBN-978-81-948218-2-3 | Growth and Development of The Regional Rural Banks of Assam | Ken Publication, Barpeta Road, Simlaguri, Baksa. | BHB College, Sarupeta, Bajali. | 2020 | 59-72 |
Research projects undertaken/ongoing research projects : Nil
Experiences in delivering invited talks/practical sessions outside the college
Invited lectures/practical sessions:-
Sl. No. | Topic on which the lecture was delivered | Place or name of institution in which it was delivered | Beneficiaries | Date of lecture | Duration of lecture |
1. | Bir Lachit Borphukan on the Occasion of 400th Birth Anniversary of Bir Lachit Borphukan. | Bijni College, Bijni | 22-1-2022 | 1hour | |
Key positions/Additional responsibilities held in the college
Key roles/responsibilities
Sl. No | Name of key role | Name of institution at which the role was held | Duration of the role | Academic year in which it was held |
1. | Assistant Zonal Officer of BA 3rdSem Zone “A-8”. | Bijni College | 2014 | |
2. | Assistant Zonal Officer of BA 2nd Sem Exam. In Zone “A-6” | Bijni College | 2015 | |
3. | Assistant Zonal Officer of BA 3rd Sem Exam. In Zone-“A-7”. | Bijni College | 2015 | |
4. | Zonal Secretary, | ACTA, Zone-2 | One Year | 2015-16. |
5. | Co-ordinator, IQAC, Health Cell. | IQAC, Bijni College | 2017 | |
6. | CEC, Zone-2 ACTA | ACTA, Guwahati Office. | One Year | 2017-18. |
7. | External Evaluator, Gunotsav, Govt. of Assam. | LPS,Govt.of Assam, in the Districts of Kokrajhar and Chirang | Three Times | 2017, 2018. |
8. | Presiding Officer and Counting Officer. | Election Commission of India, Govt. of India. | ||
9. | Polling Officer | Election of Bijni College Students Union. | ||
10. | Examination In-charge of both Sessional and Final Examinations. | Bijni College | ||
11. | Invigilation Duty of TET Exam., Govt. of Assam. | Bijni College | ||
12. | Convener of The Water supply and Sanitation Committee, Bijni College Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee. | Bijni College | 2019. | |
13. | Head Exminer, UG 3rd Semester Examination 2022 | Bijni College, Bijni | 2022 | |
14. | Convener, Anti-Ragging Cell, IQAC, Bijni College, Bijni | Bijni College, Bijni | 2022 | |
15. | External Evalutor Gunotsav 023 | LPS, Govt. of Assam, in Chirang and Kokrajhar District. | 2023 | |
16. | President, Bijni College Teachers Unit, ACTA | Bijni College, Bijni | Two Years | 2023, 2024 |
17. | Convener, BA/BSc Admission Committee, 2023-24. | Bijni College, Bijni. | 2023 | |
18. | Head Examiner, Ug 4th Semester Examination 2023 | Bijni College, Bijni | 2023 | |
19 | Teacher Representative for Governing Body | Bijni College, Bijni | One Year | 2023 |
20. | Assistant Zonal Officer, 4th Semester Zone, 2023 | Bijni College, Bijni | 2023 | |
21. | Member of Syllabus Preparation Committee, FYUGP 2023-24 | Bodoland University, Kokrajhar | 2023 | |
22. | Invigilator duty of Grade-IV examination 2023, Govt. of Assam | Bijni College, Bijni | 2023 | |
23. | Invigilator Duty of the State Level Recruitment Examination for Class-III AND Class-IV Posts, 2024, Govt. of Assam. | Bijni College, Bijni | 2024 |
Member of various bodies
- Convener and member of the Inter College Football Tournament of Gauhati University held in Bijni Collegein 2015.
- Nominated member of Examination Committee, 2014.
- Member of the Food Committee, Bijni College Golden Jubilee, 2019.
- Member of the Sessional Examination Committee.
- Member, Study Centre Management Committee for KKHSOU, Bijni College Study Centre