Grievance Redressal Cell
It consists of the Principal as the Chairperson, a teacher as convener and some other teachers as members. It addresses the various grievances and sort out the problems faced by the students inside the college campus.
Bibekananda Roy
ConvenorIQAC Sub-Committee
Bijni College , Bijni
Dr. Urmila Poddar
MemberIQAC Sub-Committee
Bijni College , Bijni
Aparna Misra
MemberIQAC Sub-Committee
Bijni College , Bijni
Dr. Gwgwm Brahma Kachary
MemberIQAC Sub-Committee
Bijni College , Bijni
Dr. Indrajit Brahma
MemberIQAC Sub-Committee
Bijni College , Bijni
Dipak Bhattacharyya
MemberIQAC Sub-Committee
Bijni College , Bijni
Jayshri Narzary
MemberIQAC Sub-Committee
Bijni College , Bijni