Courses Offered
- Two year Higher Secondary courses in Arts and Science.
- Three- year degree courses in Arts and Science (BA & B.Sc.).
- M.A. in Assamese & English.
- B.A. & M.A. through KK Handique State Open University.
- M.A. through IDOL, Gauhati University.
Compulsory Subjects (Arts) | English, MIL (Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Nepali, Hindi) and Environmental Studies. |
Elective Subjects (Arts) | Economics, Education, History, Political Science, Logic & Philosophy, Advance Assamese & Advance Bodo |
Compulsory Subjects (Science) | English, MIL (Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Nepali, Hindi) and Environmental Studies. |
Elective Subjects (Science) | Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology. |
N.B: The College does not extend facility of classes to Nepali, Hindi and Alt. English.
1. Assamese
2. Bodo
3. Economics
4. Education
6. History
7. Philosophy
8. Political Science
3. Mathematics
4. Botany
5. Zoology
H.S. Classes 1st Year
Arts | 300 |
Science | 75 |
Degree Classes 1st Semester
Arts | 600 |
Science | 200 |
Masters Class 1st Semester
Assamese | 30 |
English | 25 |
- 50 seats each in all nine subjects viz – Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Economics, Education, English, History, Philosophy and Political Science.
- 30 seats each in all five subjects viz – Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology
- To avail Honours in Physics & Chemistry pass marks in Mathematics at H.S. and Mathematics as the Generic subject in Degree is the requirement.
- To avail Mathematics Honours Physics and Chemistry as the generic subject is preferably
- Students may opt for Mathematics and economics as a combination
Eligibility – To apply for Honours
Arts & Science – Minimum 50% marks obtained in concerned subjects at H.S. level.
Note – For the admission to all Honours and P.G. classes there will be entrance tests
to be notified and conducted by concerned departments.
K.K Handique State Open University was established by the government of Assam to provide quality higher education through open and distance learning to reach the unreached of the society. The university is recognized by UGC and Distance Education Council of India. Bijni College has a study centre of KK Handique University. It provides counseling and acts as the access and contact point between the learners and the university. At present the study centre offers the following programmes.
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.).
- Master of Arts (M.A.)
Institute of Distance and Open learning formerly known as Post Graduate
Correspondence School (PGCS) was established under Gauhati University in 1998. It is recognized and approved by Distance Education council, IGNOU, New Delhi. It was established with the objectives to ensure the opportunity to pursue quality higher education to the large number of students who could not pursue higher education through conventional mode of education. IDOL strives to accommodate the students who cannot enroll in the conventional system of higher education due to various factors like limited number of seats in post graduates class, livelihood compulsion etc. and aims to impart quality higher education in an intellectually challenging learning environment. Bijni College has a study centre of IDOL since 2012. Besides acting as a communication between the students and the university it also provides counselling. At present it offers the following Post graduate programme.
- Assamese
- English
- Economics
- History
- Bengali
- Bodo
- Mathematics
- Education
- Political Science
- Philosophy