Babul Basumatary

Dr. Babul Basumatary
Assistant Professor, Political SciencePersonal Profile
1. | Name | Dr. Babul Basumatary |
2. | Designation | Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) |
3. | Department | Political Science |
4. | Gender | Male |
5. | DOB | 20-08-1982 |
6. | Contact No. & email | 9401174143 & |
7. | Residential Address | Vill. Rupahi, P. O.:Rupahi, Dist. Baksa (BTR), Assam-781318 |
8. | Area of specialization | Public Administration & Political Sociology |
9. | Area of Interest | Human Rights & Politics of Northeast India |
Academic Profile
Educational qualification :
Degree | Subject | Institution | Year of Degree Awarded |
B.A. | Political Science | Gauhati University | 2004 |
M.A. | Political Science | Gauhati University | 2006 |
M.Phil | Political Science | Vinayaka Missions University | 2008 |
Ph.D | Political Science | Assam University | 2021 |
Teaching experience :
Designation | Institution | Period of Work | Experience in Years |
Assistant Professor | Upendra Nath Brahma College (Gauhati University) | 21/05/2007 to 27/12/2011 | 4 years |
Assistant Professor | Bijni College (Gauhati University & Bodoland University) | 28/12/2011 to Till Now | 11 years |
Counsellor | Gauhati University: IDOL, Bijni College Centre | 08/06/12 to 18/07/2018 | 6 years |
Orientation/Refresher course attended
- Participated in 86th Orientation Programme from 23rd September to 21st October 2013 organized by UGC Academic Staff College, Goa University
- Participated in Refresher Course from 23rd February to 20th February 2015 organized by UGC Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Participated in the One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on Mentoring Pedagogy and Teaching for Higher Education organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati held from 6th to 13th July 2020
- Participated in Annual Refresher Programme in Political Science from 1st December 2020 to 31st March 2021 organized by JNU, SWAYAM, Govt. of India, Ministry of Education
- Participated in Refresher Course in the subject Political Science & Public Administration from 31st August 2021 to 13th September 2021 organized by UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Kumaun University
- Participated in Short Term Professional Development Programme on Implementation of NEP-2020 for University and College Teachers under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India on Teachers and Teaching organized by Staff Taring and Research Institute, IGNOU from 12th June to 20 June 2023
- Participated in Short Term Professional Development Programme on Research Method and Research Design under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India on Teachers and Teaching organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanuj College, University of Delhi from 28th February to 5th March 2024
Participation in Seminars/Webinar/FDP/Workshops
- Presented paper on Humanism in the Songs of People’s Artist Dr. Bhupen Hazarika in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Life and Music of Ganasilpi Bhupen Hazarika on 28th & 29th June 2013
- Participated in the UGC sponsored Workshop on Role of Students Support Service in Open and Distance Learning organized by Institute of Distance and Open Learning Gauhati University on 30th & 31st March 2014
- Participated in the National Level Workshop on Rastriya Uchatar Shiksha Abhijan: Its Implication in the North Eastern Region organized by Assam College Teachers’ Association and Gauhati University on 30th June 2014
- Participated in International Conference on Rethinking the Nagas in the Contemporary organized by Naga Scholars’ Association and the Hao Research Initiative at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 20th & 21st March
- Participated in Workshop cum Awareness Programme on Sensitization on Biodiversity & Climate Change organized by Bijni College and sponsored by Assam Science Technology & Environment Council on 24th March 2015
- Presented paper on Women’s Leadership and Political Participation in India in the ICSSR Sponsored International Seminar on Women Empowerment: Issues and Challenges organised by the Department of Economics, Gossaigaon College on 4th, 5th & 6th February 2015
- Participated in the UGC sponsored National Level Workshop on Indian Core Industry & Assamese Puppet Dace on 25th June 2015 organized by the Department of Assamese, Bijni College in association with the Department of Economics, Bijni College
- Presented a paper on The Status of Women in India After Independence in the Seminar on Gender Disparity organized by Assam College Teachers’ Association, Zone-02 on 5th October 2015 in Bongaigaon College, Bongaigaon
- Presented paper on Impact of Globalization on Political System in the Interdisciplinary National Conference on Trends in Literature, Social Sciences and Science in 21st Century on 30th January 2016 organized by Arts, Commerce & Science College, Palghar
- Presented paper on Alcoholism and its Socio-economic impact: A Case Study in the Rural Society of Bijni, BTAD, Assam in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Issues and Challenges of Contemporary Societies of North-East India organized by IQAC Begtol College on 20th September 2016
- Presented paper on A study on Vocational Education and Skill Development in the BTAD area of Assam in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on The Role of Higher Education Institutions and Skill Development and Employment Generation in the Northeast held on 29th & 30th September 2016 organized by the Department of Economics, Bijni College
- Presented Paper on Customary Laws of the Bodos: Practice & Prevalence in the National Seminar on Customary Laws of Northeast India: Practice & Prevalence organized by University School of Law and Research USTM, Meghalaya, sponsored by North East Council, Shillong, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Govt. of India, Dated: 21st and 22nd October, 2017
- Participated in ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Shielding Women from Violence and Search for Newer Avenues organized by T.H.B. College on 2nd to 3rd March 2019
- Participated in the National Workshop on Assembly & Hands-on Training for Foldscope organized by the Department of Zoology & St. Xavier’s College in Bijni College on 14th September 2018
- Participated in National Level Workshop on Hands on Training on Assembling Foldscope for Identification of Microbes organized by The Department of Zoology, Bijni College & the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Adhiparasakthi College, Tamil Nadu on 26th April 2019 in Bijni College
- Participated in the Webinar on Awareness Programme on Online E-Resources organized by IQAC, Bijni College in association with Assam College Librarians’ Association on 2oth May 2020
- Participated as a Joint Convenor in the National Webinar on Covid-19 and Indian Democracy on 28th & 29th August 2020
- Participated in National Webinar on Environment, Bioremediation and Scientific Mushroom Cultivation organized by College Environment and Climate Cell and Eco Club, Bijni College supported by ASTEC, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Assam on 31st July 2021 in Bijni College
- Participated in National Webinar on National Education Policy for Higher Education: Opportunities & Challenges held on 7th September 2021 organized by the Department of Political Science in conjunction with UGC-HRDC, Kumaoun University
- Participated in National Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights and its Implications organised by IQAC, Netaji Subbas Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal on 16th September 2021
- Participated in the National Webinar on Cinema, Society & Inflation organized by the Department of Sociology, Government Degree College Sitarganj, Uttrakhand on 19th September 2021
- Participated in One Day Virtual National Seminar on Changing Dynamics of India’s Foreign Policy organized by the Department of Political Science, Dr. M.K. Umathe College, Nagpur in association with Annasaheb Gundewar College & Govindrao Warjurkar Ars and Commerce College on 28th September 2021
- Participated on State Level One Day Workshop on NAAC Assessment: New Manual organized by Bijni College on 23rd June 2022
- Participated in One Day State Level Workshop on Intellectual Property, Significance & The Future organized by Department of Political Science, Manikpur Anchalik College in collaboration with IQAC, Manikpur Anchalik College on 12th November 2022
- Presented paper entitled In Pursuit of Global Solution to the Environmental Degradation and Climate Change: An Indian Tribal Perspective in the National Seminar on Climate Change & Environmental Issues organised by Bijni College in collaboration with District Administration, Chirang, Assam on 31st January 2023
- Presented paper on New Education Policy 2020: A Study on New Curricular and Pedagogical Structure in a National Seminar on Implementation Strategy of Outcome based Education: NEP Perspective held on 3rd June 2023 organised by Seminar, Research & Development Cell, Basugaon College
- Participated in IP Awareness/Training Programme under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission organized by Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India on 17th March 2023
- Presented Paper on Plain Tribal Politics of Assam: A study on Bodo Politics in the Northern Brahmaputra Valley in a National Seminar on Tribal Politics in North East India, Issues, Challenges and Emerging Trends on 19th & 20th July 2023 organized by the Department of Political Science, Department of History & IQAC, Thong Nokbe College sponsored by Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council.
- Presented paper on Sikh Diaspora and the Issue of Sovereign Khalistan: An Inside View through Post Colonial Perspective in Two Day International Seminar on Post-colonial Literature and its Perspective organized by the Department of English, Bijni College in Collaboration with The Department of English, Bodoland University on 9th & 10th October 2023
- asumatary, B., (2013), A Critic of the Political Culture of Modern India, Pragya, Bijni College, Publication Cell, ISBN-978-8-922997-3-0, pp. 96-105
- Basumatary, B., (2013), Humanism in the Songs of People’s Artist Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, Life & Music of Ganasilpi Bhupen Hazarika, Guwahati, Vikash Communication & Association Press, ISBN-978-93-80382-90-6, pp. 21-27
- Basumatary, B., (2014), Social Status of Women in Indian Society: An Overview, Pratibha, Bijni College, Women Awareness Cell, ISBN-2349-5286, pp. 37-42
- Basumatary, B., (2016), Impact of Globalization on the Political System, Trends in Literature, Social Science & Science in 21st Century, Ahmednagar, Ritu Prakasan, ISBN-83870-4-0, pp. 76-79
- Basumatary, B. & Others (2016), Alcoholism and its Socio-economic Impact: A Case Study in the Rural Society of Bijni, BTAD, Assam, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Issue and Challenges of the Contemporary Society of North-East India, Bengtol College, Publication Cell, ISBN-978-81-929915-0-4, pp. 128-133
- Basumatary, B. (2019), A Study on Political Awareness Among the Bodos in the Chirang District of BTAD in Assam to the Rhythm of Bodoland Movement, An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Peer Reviewed Referred Journal, Ajanta, UGC Listed Journal, Aurangabad, Ajanta Publication, ISSN-2277-5730, pp. 65-75, Impact Factor-5.5
- Basumatary, B., (2019), Discourse of Identity Politics: An Analysis on the Identity Assertion Movement and the Politics of the Bodo Leaders in the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam, An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Peer Reviewed Referred Journal, Ajanta, UGC Listed Journal, Aurangabad, Ajanta Publication, ISSN-2277-5730, pp. 149-155, Impact Factor-5.5
- Basumatary, B. (2022), Politics of Aboriginals in Assam, Peer Reviewed Referred Journal, Thoughts on Education,Vol. XI, Issue No. 18, January-December 2022, ISSN-2320-4710, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, pp. 5-18
- Basumatary, B. (2023), The Legacy of Gandhian Non-violence Approach: A Unique Weapon for Social Change, Utkal Historical Research Journal, Volume: XXXVI, N0.-5(I), January 2023, Peer Reviewed Referred Journal of Department of History, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubneswar-751004, India, ISSN 0976-2132, UGC Care List Journal, pp. 51-57
- Basumatary, B. (2024), Customary Laws: Understanding Bodo Customs and their Practice and Prevalence, Pratibha, A Multilingual, Multidisciplinary, Peer Reviewed National Annual Journal, Vol:VII, Issue-VII, January 2024, ISSN-2349-5286, Women Awareness Cell, Bijni College, pp. 56-66
- Basumatary, B. 2024 (2024), Human Rights: Understanding the Mechanisms for Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in India, Human Rights in Contemporary World, Prospect and Challenges, An International Edition, Red’shine Publication, Sweden
Additional Responsibility held in the College
- Assistant Returning Officer, Election to the BCSU, 2012-13
- Co-ordinator, IDOL Gauhati University, Bijni College Centre from 2012-2018
- In-charge, Debate & Symposium, 2012-13
- In-charge, Indoor Games, 2013-14
- Assistant Returning Officer, Election to the BCSU, 2015-16
- Member, IQAC, Bijni College from 2015 to 2018
- Assistant Confidential In-charge, B.A. & B.Sc. Sessional Examination, 2015-2016
- Member, Admission Committee to the B.A. & B. Sc. Semester-I, 2016-17
- Assistant Returning Officer, Election to the BCSU, 2016-17
- Secretary, Assam College Teacher’s Association, Bijni College Unit, 2017-18
- Convenor, Class Routine Committee, 2017-18
- Member, Admission Committee to the B.A. & B. Sc. Semester-I, 2017-18
- Assistant Returning Officer, Election to the BCSU, 2017-18
- Assistant Confidential In-charge, H.S. Final Examination, 2018
- Convenor, Flag Hosting Committee, Bijni College Golden Jubilee Celebration, 2018
- Convenor, U.C. Das Memorial Open Stage Construction Committee, 2018
- Member, IQAC, Sports Cell from 2018 till now
- Member, Admission Committee to the B.A. & B.Sc. 2018-19
- Central Executive Member, All Assam Political Science Association from 2018 till now
- Assistant Returning Officer, Election to the BCSU, 2018-19
- Convenor, Class Routine Committee for the session 2019-20
- Assistant Co-ordinator, IQAC, Bijni College from 2018 till now
- Convenor, Admission to the B.A. & B.Sc. Semester-I, 2020-21
- Member, IQAC, Bijni College Games & Sports Cell from 2021 to till now
- Convenor, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), Govt. of India, Bijni College from the session 2020-2021 till now
- Teacher In-charge, Games and Sports, 2021-2022
- Mentor, B.A. Semester-IV Group-G for the session 2021-2022
- Convenor, NAAC 7 Criteria Special Committee from 26/02/2021 till now
- Convenor, Governance, Leadership & Management, NAAC 7 Criteria Special Committees, Bijni College from 26th February 2022 till now
- Member, Purchasing Committee, Bijni College from 2022 to till now
- Member, Academic Council, Bodoland University, from 30/07/2022 till now
- Member, B.A. Semester -I Admission Committee for he session 2022-2023
- High School Adopter, Adopt School Policy under Govt. of BTR from 15/08/2022 till now
- Presiding Officer, BCSU Election 2022-23
- Counting Officer, BCSU Election 2022-23
- Member, Task Force for implementation of NEP 2020, Bijni College from 30/04/2022 to till now
- Member of E-governance Committee, BC from 2023 till now
- Member, Annual Self Appraisal Report Evaluation Committee, IQAC, Bijni College from 10/06/2024 till now
- Convenor of Class Routine Committee 2024-25