Resource & Practices
Library plays a very important role in promoting the progress of knowledge. Bijni College has a rich library with a large number of books (more than 32,600) that provide information about wide ranging subjects. Besides, it has a good collection of encyclopedias which are a source of extensive information and references for the users. The library provides separate spacious reading space for the teachers and students. It also has an enclosure with dedicated computers for browsing of online and e-resources for the students and teacher. The library is now fully automated and has Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facilities and provides on-campus Wi-Fi facilities to enable the students to access the library resources.
- Asomiya Pratidin
- Amar Asom
- Assam Tribune
- The Telegraph
- The Times of India
- Ananda Bazar Patrika
- The Hindu
- Bodosa
- The Sentinel
- Employment News
- Prantik
- Desh
- India Today
- Gorioshi
- Frontline
- Dream
- The Bodoland
- Outlooks
- Sport star
Career Magazine
- Pratiyogita Darpan
- Competition Refresher
- Employment News
- Career 360
- Career guide
- Down to Earth
- Current Science.
- Resonance.
- Economic and Political Weekly.
- University News.
- Indian Literature.
- Yojana.
- Journal of Biosciences.
- Proceeding : Mathematical Sciences.
- Pramana : Journal of Physics.
- Journal of English Language Teaching.
- Journal of Education.
- Journal of Chemical Science.
- Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy.
- International Journal of Physical
- Education, sports and Management.
- Aitiya: The Heritage.
- NLIST: E-journals & books.
- Journal of English literature.
Book Bank is operated by the College in its library. Poor and meritorious students are
supplied with text books for a complete academic session from it. It has a stock of about
3,662 books.